We have some of the most advanced new dentist technologies and equipment available today. We’ve invested in the best – from safer imaging and interactive intraoral cameras, Dual wavelength gemini laser,Eighteeth Extra Oral Vac Station. to faster and better quality crowns, veneers and inlays – for you and your family’s comfort and safety.
After lying on the dental chairs for a 2-3 hour procedure, your neck and back are anything but sore. To ensure that our patients walk out of our office feeling relaxed, we offer a complementary 15-minute full body massage. You simply recline Dowling on the zero gravity massage chair and the machine do the job....no human touch. We guarantee you will want to come back for your next appointment if only to end your treatment with that unforgettable 15-minute experience.
Infection control is at the core of any modern dental practice. Though sterilization is a back room activity, we believe patients are entitled to know how instruments are cleaned and sterilized. By having two digital automates, we ensure all our instruments are properly sterilized and are free of disease causing germs.
This is an extra oral suction system designed for dental practices to
effectively capture droplets and airborne aerosols which contains water,
saliva, blood, microorganisms, bacteria and viruses.
This mixture presents a high risk of infection.
With the onset of COVID-19, most people were apprehensive about visiting
dental practices fearing the rooms might be contaminated with viruses.
However, with the introduction of the EIGHTEETH Vacstation machines at
Tender Care Dental at the beginning of the COVID pandemic, we are able
to guarantee our patients that our surgeries are free from airborne
particles like viruses and bacteria.